I also found time to finish Diet For A New America. Quite possibly the best book ever and I recommend it to everyone. In fact, I called and told my Father about it and told him as soon as I buy one I would send it to him to read. It just so happened, after having a delicious lunch at Native Foods and then donating blood (pat on back) at the Aliso Viejo Library, I found a copy in great condition at the Friends of the Library bookstore for a whopping 50 cents! I also found seven other great books at the same price. Friends of the Library bookstores are fast becoming my favorite store.
And speaking of donating blood, I've always had trouble keeping my iron levels high enough to donate blood. Hemoglobin levels are required to be at least 12.5 and mine were quite often too low and at one point was down to 8 so I wasn't allowed to donate. Its been over a year since I've tried to donate last but this time my hemoglobin levels were at 13.something! Yay! I can donate and save seven lives now :) You should too! Go to redcrossblood.org and enter your zip code and find a blood drive close to you. Whenever I donate I always feel like a hero. I strut around with my neon colored bandage on my arm thinking, "I am equivalent to Superman." Yeah, its a good feeling, go try it.
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