Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day 20: I actually made food.

Saturday, May 22, 2010
Be amazed, I made the Mac Un-Cheese dish that I told you about. It came out a freakish yellow color that instantly made me wonder what color it would make my poo and maybe thats why I didn't like the dish at first.
At first the sauce was too runny, so I added flour to it to thicken it, which was fine if I was going to eat it all right then but since that wasn't the case, I had to add a little water or almond milk each time I ate it. And even though I wasn't so big on it the first time, I really liked it the next day and even better when I added a side dish of veggies (not in the dish though. Freakishly yellow veggies don't look as appetizing.) I also made some delicious pancakes which I ended up ruining by adding some disgusting dried blueberries from Costco. Alls I could taste was the chemicals, bleh! We learn by trial and error I guess.

On to books now. I just finished reading this book: Vegan Freak: Being Vegan In a Non-Vegan World. While  it was a good book and I learned a number of useful things, I wouldn't recommend it to someone who was considering going vegan because the Torres seem to talk about things as if you already have done research on the going vegan. For someone who is considering going vegan and doesn't know much on the subject, I would suggest  Diet For A New America or Becoming Vegan as these authors seem to go more extensively into why you should go vegan. Also I should mention that the book Vegan Freak was considerably shorter than the other two and that may be why there wasn't much detail.


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