I was up at 6:30am
Yesterday I also brought home from work a cheesecake that was too small for Cathy and Manny. When Cathy got home she was trying to be all sensitive to my new diet and was worried that she couldn't eat cheese and cheesecake in front of me. It didn't bug me in the least of course, I'm surrounded by both all day! I think she was pretending to worry mainly to see what I would do. I cant say much on day one when my resolve is strong, it's the weeks ahead that'll show that I can do it.
Today I started off the right way with steel-cut oatmeal mixed with berries, and a tablespoon of flaxseed oil, followed with a multi-vitamin. But now noon is nearing, my stomach is starting to mumble and I have to make something.
I just came across this website that has really simple but super delicious vegan food.Compassion Over Killing. It's now in my bookmarks...
Although I have slowly started to buy things for my vegan lifestyle, I still have to buy stuff every time I make something and I suppose it'll be this way for a while.
Regardless of the constant purchases, I'm still very excited about this new change and I'm currently reading Diet for a New America, by John Robbins. Only a few chapters in but its so great!
Also Brittany, a girl from work, is doing this with me! We are gonna have Vegan Day every week (if my bank account can handle it!) and go try out new vegan restaurants. Last week we went to Native Foods and I tried the Buddha Bowl. I didn't think it was that good, but the watermelon lemonade was phenomenal and Brittany loved her Quesadilla. I'll certainly be going back to try other things!
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